This weekend I turned 25 and got treated so hard! Toby took me to the Natural History Museum, we drank Prosecco for breakfast on the train and played cards, I got to see the little mammoth that I was dying to see since May (she was so beautiful and perfectly preserved, at 42,000 years old she still had eyelashes and the baby fur under her tummy!) Toby got to geek out in the Natural world section of the museum, saw a cross cutting of a giant sequoia and even got to go inside the cell structure of a plant (fake of course!)
We were a little naughty and snuck a bottle of Jack Daniels in with us, had a beer and a surprisingly lovely lunch in the restaurant before finishing off the London trip with a drink at the pub with his cousin, who by the way is a mega babe and totally rad!
When we got back to Leicester, Stewart, Nathan and Josh were waiting for us at the station and we went for some drinks at the Lansdowne until they shut (a lot of being there I don't really remember). On sunday and still very much drunk we had breakfast at Bar Dos where Toby had a chill out with his friend Pete while I died in a coffee, we stumbled home and stayed in bed for the rest of the day watching bad films and only getting out to answer the door for the chinese food delivery.
It has been the best weekend and best Birthday I have had in a long time, I know Toby tried extra hard to give me a great day as last year was a bit of a wash out and he certainly delivered. I've never felt so loved by so many people, 25 is going to be a great year!